Using our condition reporting webform will help you to report on your consent conditions. Current Details Land Details File Uploads Preview *Indicates required field *Are you reporting on a consent for a home to live in? Select oneYesNo How to use this webform We request that you use this webform so that you can give us all the information electronically needed to report on your consent conditions. Doing this is likely to result in your report being processed more quickly, or without us needing to ask you for more information. Upload a completed Condition reporting template below. You do not need to complete the reporting template if your only notification is acquisition of land and/or assets. Electronic filing requirements Your report information must be submitted electronically. Supporting documents can also be uploaded below if required. These should be provided in PDF form unless otherwise advised. Note You may to save a draft of this form to return to later. You will need to create an account first through the login button above to save a draft. After you are logged in, you will see a “save draft” button at the bottom of each step of the online form. In addition, there is also a “draft submissions” button at the top of the page to access previously saved drafts of the consent monitoring or notification of transaction online forms. Your name Your email address Are you completing this form for someone else? Select oneYesNo What is their name? What is their email address? Consent Type ? - Select -Significant business assetsBenefit to New ZealandIntention to resideResidential land development (increased housing, non-residential use, incidental residential use)ForestryProfit a prendreFishing quotaExemption Residential land development pathway(s) ? Increased housingIncidental residential useNon-residential use What is the case number of your consent? Report Type ? - Select -Notification of acquisition of land and/or assetsCondition report backNotification of transaction under a Standing Consent What are you reporting on? ? - Select -I have purchased a houseI have become ordinarily resident in New ZealandI have a construction updateI have an update about my consent Use this form for reporting back on conditions of consent, annual reporting, or telling us about changes that affect you. Describe the land and/or assets ? When did you acquire the land and/or assets ? What was the consideration paid for the land and/or assets ? Report Due Date Consent Holder ? Consent Holder's email address ? Legal advisor Legal advisor's email address Asset Description Date of Consent ? Report Prepared By Name Preparers Email What is the address of the property? What is the property's Record of Title Identifier? ? How much did the property cost? ? GST inclusive? We request confidentiality of the purchase price ? We request confidentiality regarding the transaction ? Does the property have a house on it? Select oneYesNo What was the settlement date? ? Are you living at the property now? Select oneYesNo When will you move into the property? Do you hold a valid residence class visa or New Zealand citizenship? Select oneYesNo Have you lived in New Zealand for the last 12 months? Select oneYesNo Have you been present in New Zealand for at least 183 days during the last 12 months? Select oneYesNo Are you tax resident in New Zealand? Select oneYesNo Have you started construction on the land? Select oneYesNo Provide a timeline showing what construction work has been done, and what the next steps will be Provide details of your update Optional documents If you have evidence to support this condition notification, please upload your documents here. New Zealand Address for Service ? File upload Choose file Upload Maximum 100 files.100 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff, msg. Optional documents If you have evidence to support this condition notification, please upload your documents here. Documents Upload your completed Condition reporting template below. If you have evidence to support this notification, please also upload your documents here. File upload Choose file Upload Maximum 100 files.100 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, txt, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff, msg. What are you providing? ? Primary Assessor's email ? Next Page >