Using our consent monitoring webform will help you to report on your consent conditions.
How to use the Consent Monitoring Webform
We request that you use the Consent Monitoring Webform so that you can give us all the information electronically needed to report on your consent conditions. Doing this is likely to result in your report being processed more quickly, or without us needing to ask you for more information. You can download a copy of the Consent Monitoring Reporting Template, which sets out the required structure for reporting on your conditions of consent.
Electronic filing requirements
Your report information must be submitted electronically. Documents should be provided in PDF form unless otherwise advised. Documents should be provided to us by uploading into the Consent Monitoring Webform at the time you complete the webform.
You are required to provide a number of supporting documents when submitting this online form. To ensure you can meet this requirement, you are able to save a draft of this form to return to later with your supporting documents. You will need to create an account first through the login button above to save a draft. After you are logged in, you will see a “save draft” button at the bottom of each step of the online form. In addition, there is also a “draft submissions” button at the top of the page to access previously saved drafts of the consent monitoring or notification of transaction online forms.